We develop and produce




... an abbreviation for Ultra - High -Performance - Concrete – is high-strength material with high density and thus very high durability.

The unique properties of UHPC materials create the opportunity for optimal structural design to achieve sustainable and durable solutions.

Y-MatTec® G2000

Y-MatTec® G2000 is an ultra-high strength shrinkage compensated grout material with high flowability designed for used in on- and offshore grouted connections and grout trenches in connection with onshore wind turbines.

Y-MatTec® G2000 has been designed to meet the highest requirements of Siemens Gamesa and Vestas Wind Systems.

Thus Y-MatTec® G2000 is approved for all onshore and offshore wind turbine types by Siemens Gamesa and Vestas Wind Systems.

Logo for Siemens Gamesa that has approved Y-MatTec as supplier of grout material for onshore wind turbine foundations
Logo for Vestas that has approved Y-MatTec as supplier of grout material for onshore wind turbine foundations
Cube of Y-MatTec® G2000 UHPC / Ultra High Performance concrete for offshore wind turbine foundations and onshore wind turbine foundations is being placed in a machine for strength testing

Highest achievable strength classification

The installation of a wind turbine demands for
advanced strength qualities of the grouting material.

Time is a crucial factor during installation of tower components, as the anchor bolts of the tower needs to be pre-stressed and bad weather conditions can disrupt the process. Hence the early strength development of the grouting material is crucial.

The compressive strength of Y-MatTec® G2000 increases with
more than 115% from day 1 (>65 MPa) to day 56 (>135 MPa).
Y-MatTec® G2000 has superior strength qualities and is classified in the highest achievable strength classification C100/115.

Superior fatigue resistance

Reliability is a very high priority for owners of wind turbines. If the wind turbine is not operational the owner loses money. It is therefore crucial that the grouting material has a high fatigue resistance – a measure of a materials resistance to a cyclic loading – that prevents cracks from forming.

Y-MatTec® G2000 has demonstrated superior fatigue resistance and a relative low heat development. During tests Y-MatTec® G2000 outperforms the requirements in CEB-FIP Model Code 90 at all load conditions. Furthermore Y-MatTec® G2000 matches the prediction according to fi-b Model Code 2010 that measures the number of cycles to failure under cyclic loading.

Three cubes of Y-MatTec® G2000 UHPC / Ultra High Performance concrete for offshore wind turbine foundations and onshore wind turbine foundations on a pc screen in the Y-MatTec laboratory
Someone from the Y-mattec laboratory is stirring Y-MatTec® G2000 UHPC / Ultra High Performance concrete for offshore wind turbine foundations and onshore wind turbine foundations in water in a metal mould

High early strength

Y-MatTec® G2000 has extremely good flow properties that makes it possible to grout narrow constrictions with very low water cement ratio at very low temperature or very high temperature and at the same time obtain a high early strength with 24 hours expansion more than 0.1 %.

Hereto Y-MatTec® G2000 has demonstrated very good fatigue
resistance and a relative low heat development.

Application thickness from 25 mm to 600 mm.

Benefits of Y-MatTec® G2000 at a glance

High fatigue

Designed to absorb high numbers of repeated energy loads.

Best in
class quality

CE marked, DNV offshore certified, evaluated by MPA and approved by Siemens Gamesa and Vestas Wind Systems. Y-MatTec is ISO 9001 certified.


High final strength ensures secure operation (and thus wind power production) during the entire lifespan of a wind turbine installation.

Compatible with
all wind turbines

Y-MatTec®2000 is designed for use with all Siemens Gamesa and Vestas wind turbine types onshore and offshore.

Rapid strength development

Allows a crucial fast workflow in the process of erecting the wind turbine tower.

G2000 product has been validated after the:
  • Compliance with the GMS (SGRE Materials Specification) verified by Technology (Materials);
  • Method statement approval and execution trials completed, during which the applicability of the product has been verified by SGRE ON PM BOP TOF and SGRE ON PM EQS EXE BOP&QE departments.

We wish to express our gratitude for the collaboration and information given by the Y-MATTEC team about their product and company during the whole process. Asking you at the same time to not stop communicating in the future any new product or variation in respect to this product that may occur.

Alvaro Fuentes Ruiz
SiemensGamesa Renewable Energy

Y-MatTec® G2000 instructions

As Y-MatTec® G2000 is a special grout material application must be done by trained and qualified personnel.

Mixing instructions

Y-MatTec® G2000 is to be mixed 8.0 % to 8.3 % potable water at 20 degrees Celcius (based powder mass) in an adequate mixer, normally a paddle mixer. The amount of mixing water is depending on ambient temperature – higher temperature increases the water demand.

The product can be mixed and used within ambient temperature from 2 degrees Celcius ((7.2 – 7.5 % mixing water) to 30 degrees Celcius (8.3 – 8.5 % mixing water).

Powder is added into the mixer followed by mixing water and mixed for approximately 6 minutes depending on the effectiveness of the mixer.

Stirring Y-MatTec® G2000 UHPC / Ultra High Performance concrete for offshore wind turbine foundations and onshore wind turbine foundations in a blender in the Y-MatTec laboratory
Someone from the Y-mattec laboratory is pouring Y-MatTec® G2000 UHPC / Ultra High Performance concrete for offshore wind turbine foundations and onshore wind turbine foundations into a mould

The surface to be grouted must be clean, free from dirt, oil grease or other contaminations. Concrete surfaces to be grouted has as well to be water saturated and with no free standing water just prior to grouting.

After grouting the grouted surface must be protected for drying either by use of plastic cover or approved curing compound.

We are your industry expert with an in-depth knowledge of concrete and cement technology, as well as chemical processes.

Copyright Y-MatTec

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