Y-MatTec® G2000
Highest achievable strength classification
The installation of a wind turbine demands for
advanced strength qualities of the grouting material.
Time is a crucial factor during installation of tower components, as the anchor bolts of the tower needs to be pre-stressed and bad weather conditions can disrupt the process. Hence the early strength development of the grouting material is crucial.
The compressive strength of Y-MatTec® G2000 increases with
more than 115% from day 1 (>65 MPa) to day 56 (>135 MPa).
Y-MatTec® G2000 has superior strength qualities and is classified in the highest achievable strength classification C100/115.
Superior fatigue resistance
Reliability is a very high priority for owners of wind turbines. If the wind turbine is not operational the owner loses money. It is therefore crucial that the grouting material has a high fatigue resistance – a measure of a materials resistance to a cyclic loading – that prevents cracks from forming.
Y-MatTec® G2000 has demonstrated superior fatigue resistance and a relative low heat development. During tests Y-MatTec® G2000 outperforms the requirements in CEB-FIP Model Code 90 at all load conditions. Furthermore Y-MatTec® G2000 matches the prediction according to fi-b Model Code 2010 that measures the number of cycles to failure under cyclic loading.
High early strength
Y-MatTec® G2000 has extremely good flow properties that makes it possible to grout narrow constrictions with very low water cement ratio at very low temperature or very high temperature and at the same time obtain a high early strength with 24 hours expansion more than 0.1 %.
Hereto Y-MatTec® G2000 has demonstrated very good fatigue
resistance and a relative low heat development.
Application thickness from 25 mm to 600 mm.