Y-MatTec nominated for Best Innovation Culture Prize
We just learned this morning that Y-MatTec has been nominated for the Business Culture Awards 2024. What a thrill. We are deeply honoured.
On top, we have been nominated in the category we appreciate above all: Best Innovation Culture. What a match!
The Business Culture Awards is 25 October 2024. The event will be hosted by ErhvervsForum Holstebro, the business association in our headquarter hometown Holstebro, Denmark.
Innovation is fundamental to us. As a young company with a highly experienced team in the global ultra-high-performance-concrete (UHPC) business we have reached out for the stars and a greener future.
In our news section you will find a press release on our patent process for the first ever UHPC grout material with carbon and industrial waste capture properties. The patent process is ongoing according to plan and we will share exciting news shortly.